Saturday, March 27, 2010

Life Lately and Logos

The last month has passed me by...I am slowly becoming a hermit, it is in my DNA, and I need to be pulled out of my shell!

Hopefully the sun will start shining and I can begin to grow again, rather than wilt! I need sunshine, I need flowers blooming, I need lighting bugs, and the sound of cicadas to inspire me. The new London Target line is not enough to get me going!

Check out the first logo proof for KC FunRaisers...the crescent moon is an internationally recognized symbol of faith...The moon is known as governing the female principles of instincts, moods, tides, mystery, receptivity, feminine strength. It's all about stillness and darkness. A deeper look suggests however that the moon is the embodiment of the Divine, from which everything comes, even the masculine.

A crescent moon is in itself a symbol of transition and transformation as the moon moves through its cycles.

KC FunRaisers - Transition and Transform, Create Awareness, Educate, Entertain, and be Rewarded

KC FunRaisers is a Kansas City based company that plans and hosts social events to raise money for local charities. Our events give young professionals and other community members an opportunity to learn about and support local causes in an atmosphere where they can socialize, network and enjoy being involved in changing their community. Through events like happy hours, parties, sporting events and other activities, we hope to educate our audience and create awareness for our partner nonprofits, while providing an entertaining and rewarding way to assist those in need.


The Sun will Come Out Tomorrow, Tomorrow...Maybe the lyrics can inspire me, I can only hope.
The sun'll come out

Bet your bottom dollar

That tomorrow

There'll be sun!

Just thinkin' about


Clears away the cobwebs,

And the sorrow

'Til there's none!

When I'm stuck a day

That's gray,

And lonely,

I just stick out my chin

And Grin,

And Say,


The sun'll come out


So ya gotta hang on

'Til tomorrow

Come what may



I love ya


You're always

A day

A way!


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Quote of the Day

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
- My dear friend CAM shared this with me, it is so true.

"Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties."
-Erich Fromm

"A room without books is like a body without a soul."
-Found this on one of the blog's that I follow, if you know my passion and love for books, you would know this is something I truly believe.

"All children, except one, grow up..."
-Peter Pan


I am a local designer who loves trinkets and treasures, bling and baubles, the vintage and victorian, and anything with pearls and lace. I am inspired by black and white photos, old greeting cards, fashion, Paris/London, Frida Kahlo, Steinlen, and my family. I have inherited the gift of creativity from the wonderful women in my life, my mother whose vision is never ending, my grandmother whose soft and gentle touch puts just the right finish on a project, my sister whose words are never ending, my daughter and nieces with their pure outlook on life. Thank you for the gifts and visions that you share and inspire me to be the best designer that I can be. Thats me(Therese)on the left, the designer and owner of Fanciful Notations. I love to share my ideas with you. I work hard to create beautiful prints and creations that will leave an impression on the mind of those who are on the receiving end. Enjoy and remember to dance as if no one is watching.